
to share with u

Recently I've become so jaded with social media and the general flow of modern days that I've started writing by hand. Not a whole lot, mind you, because work is exhausting and the train is bumpy and I'm tired and so on. It's a deep level of satisfaction when a word looks written out properly, but my heavy hand drags the ink on the paper and I'm often too judgemental to think straight. And anyway here's this roundabout realization: I would like TO SHARE my writing. Am I gonna let everything sit unfinished and post snippets of it on TikTok and stay sad about that? I should hope not.

I think I will split up this blog page according the projects I'm working on or would like to work on. At the moment this would be,

Putting this down in writing (rather than vague mentions to coworkers) helps me organize on what I could work on. I could sit there for days on end overwhelmed with not knowing what to do when in fact I already have things I could be doing. Politically the world is in such a dark place in that we don't really know what to do with ourselves. I have the aching desire to express my views on where we are, where we are going, the humanities, anthropology, anarchy, etc. in the hopes that people will listen and treat each other better, but I never know where such desires should be expressed and I get paralyzed with options.

The pattern: exhaustion can be real but also makes up excuses for itself. If I actually put my nose to the grindstone, such humanitarian views and political jabs will be the sparks flying. I get caught up on "but what am I trying to say?" well how can the train move forward if the tracks aren't laid out? Whether it's just my fingies typing or my whole body moving, mental thought necessitates physical movements and vice versa.

Let's discuss the above projects,

Anyway here's to hoping u will see more of me, because it means I'm busy making art :)